Saturday, June 13, 2009

An Interview With the Murder Twins- By Dark Telling

An interview by Dark Telling on 06/05/09 with The Murder Twins, Elaine Khandr & Minniver Endsleigh

Dark Telling: I am doing an interview for the Artstonia Blog. I chose the two of you as representatives of our upstanding citizens. As woman, I chose you as role models and examples that clearly demonstrate the excellence of women and mages. Contrary to the opinions and reputations created by the males of our town.....

Dark Telling: Tell me how you two met....

Elaine Khandr: If I recall, it was Minn's blade at my throat... [chuckles]

Minniver Endsleigh: [chuckles and looks at Elaine]

Dark Telling: And what was it doing there?

Minniver Endsleigh: aye, she happened t' make th' comment she did nay think daggers were verra effective.

Elaine Khandr: [laughs] I didn't know much about fighting then. She trounced me in at least three good sparring sessions.

Dark Telling: And how did that lead to you being known as "The Murder Twins"?

Elaine Khandr: [laughs] oh, I think we have Jeff to thank for that.

Minniver Endsleigh: after tha' we sparred t' th' exclusion o' all else fer months we were well matched [looks down] though Elaine ha' far surpassed me skill now.

Minniver Endsleigh: oh, aye, it were Jeff, weren't it!?

Dark Telling: Jeff?

Elaine Khandr: [nods to Minn] we did fight something fierce back then didn't we?

Minniver Endsleigh: Jeff, come up one day an' were watchin' us spar.

Elaine Khandr: [chuckles] aye

Minniver Endsleigh: JefferyAllen Doyle

Elaine Khandr: Challenged us both, we were what level three back then?

Minniver Endsleigh: aye bout that. he were what? Eight? Ten?

Elaine Khandr: I think seven or eight. We trounced him the way Minn trounced me that first day [laughs]

Dark Telling: [giggles] That is quite a victory

Elaine Khandr: After that we just kept getting better and better, luck was with us most of the time.

Minniver Endsleigh: [chuckles] aye

Dark Telling: I am sure he was not pleased at the results. [laughs vigorously]

Minniver Endsleigh: Do nay r'member if he e'er sparred wi' us again, but he ne'er minded much.

Elaine Khandr: Oh, I wouldn't say that, he seemed to rather enjoy the female attention [grins]

Dark Telling: [laughs]

Elaine Khandr: I have sparred with him since, he is a good sport.

Minniver Endsleigh: Jeffery claims t' like dangerous women [laughs]

Dark Telling: So...What qualities of the other, creates your wonderful compatibility...

Elaine Khandr: [looks at Minn and smiles] Minn has an intuitive instinct, she knows people and she can size them up in a second. And I know she always has my back, no matter what.

Dark Telling: [looks to Minn] And your thoughts, Minn?

Minniver Endsleigh: [smiles back and looks to Dark] Elaine be organized and fiercely focused when she's a goal in mind. Nay t' mention she be a loyal an' true friend, I ne'er ha' t think twice, I know Elaine will always be there

Dark Telling: That is truly wonderful.

Minniver Endsleigh: She balances me scatterings [chuckles]

Dark Telling: It seems like you are so very close!

Elaine Khandr: aye [smiles at Minn]

Minniver Endsleigh: [nods and smiles fondly to Elaine]

Dark Telling: Finding such a friendship is a very special gift.

Dark Telling: What qualities of the other, creates the most division...

Elaine Khandr: [gets a gleam in her eyes] She's a stubborn one, tenacious when she sets her sights on something. [laughs]

Minniver Endsleigh: [chuckles] She be organized an' fiercely focused on a goal.

Elaine Khandr: [laughs]

Dark Telling: Ahhh, The traditional, "That what attracts you in the beginning, drives you away later!"

Elaine Khandr: You know me too well, Minn.

Minniver Endsleigh: [laughs softly at Dark] nay not at all, Dark. Just works on two levels. [grins]

Dark Telling: I see.

Minniver Endsleigh: [shakes her head with a smile]

Dark Telling: That is very sweet.

Dark Telling: Rumors abound in the town of a possible illicit lesbian love between the two of you.... Your comments, please?

Elaine Khandr: [raises an eyebrow]

Dark Telling: Oh, and killing the reporter is not allowed. I am merely the people's eyes and ears.

Elaine Khandr: [laughs]

Minniver Endsleigh: [glances to Elaine, a brow raised before roaring with laughter] Dun surprise me, two strong, women wi' fierce loyalty t' each oe'r always suspect ent they? Dun help tha' neither o' us spend time moonin' about starin' into some swain's eyes...

Elaine Khandr: [laughs]

Minniver Endsleigh: Truth is we ha' goals an' ambitions we was workin' on....

Elaine Khandr: aye

Minniver Endsleigh: dun mean we ent nudged each other when a fine bit o' man meat in tights walks by [chuckles]

Minniver Endsleigh: but truly, seems o' late Elaine be puttin' them rumors t' rest... [grins at her friend] Seems she managed time lately fer a love interest... or two

Elaine Khandr: [smiles]

Dark Telling: I see. So, she does not share everything with you, hmmmm?

Minniver Endsleigh: [laughs] Nay an nor would I want her to

Elaine Khandr: I'd share with Minn if she wanted 'em [winks at Minn]

Dark Telling: Well, I was just wondering who had who's back in the throes of passion. [giggles] What do you see in your futures, both individually and as close "associates"?

Elaine Khandr: I see both of us achieving our goals. [chuckles to herself] I imagine the road will have plenty of bumps, might even get thrown off the wagon a time or two but we'll get back on and work together. Personally, becoming a teacher in the Mage's Guild has shown me who I am, what I can do, and has made me proud of all the students.

Dark Telling: [smiles and looks at Minn]

Minniver Endsleigh: [nods somberly] I see us t'gether workin' within th' guild, helpin' th' masters make it all it can be, fer meself I will walk me path within th' guild an' see where it takes me.

Dark Telling: How would you like to be seen by other Artstonians?

Elaine Khandr: [looks away for moment, her lips pursed in contemplation, an uneasiness in her eyes and looks back to Dark with a tremulous smile] I would hope that all the villagers of Artstonia know they can come to me if they have a problem. I am more than a mage, more than a human. I would like to have the villagers see me and other mages working together with the community, in support of it.

Dark Telling: [smiles at the dream and looks again to Minn]

Minniver Endsleigh: [her focus goes down to the floor and she speaks quietly] I would hope Artstonia sees each individual fer what they are... their accomplishments, their hearts... an' I hope tha' is true when they look at me. [her gaze comes up to Dark ] But how they see me... tha' is their own vision. [looks away to the wall]

Dark Telling: Minn, do you hope they see you as a successful warrior? A powerful Mage? The wonderfully successful woman you are?

Minniver Endsleigh: [shrugs] Would it be harsh if I said.... It makes na dif'rence to me? [there is defiance in that, though it is quietly spoken]

Dark Telling: Well, it is your feeling, so nothing can be truer.

Minniver Endsleigh: Naught I do be fer wha' others think o' me personally

Dark Telling: In what areas and how would you like to participate in Artstonia's future?

Elaine Khandr: [looks at Minn]

Minniver Endsleigh: [Looks once more t the floor] I would like t' help in th' buildin' o' the Guild t' be some'et respected...

Dark Telling: [looks to Elaine.]

Elaine Khandr: This be a reiteration of what I said a moment ago, but I would like to see the guilds working together. We should not be fighting amongst ourselves when there be greater threats out there. I think there is great potential for the druids and healers and mages to compliment each other and we should work towards that goal.

Minniver Endsleigh: T' stand shoulder to shoulder wi' all in th' village t' make Artstonia th' best village it can be

Elaine Khandr: aye [smiles at Minn and Dark both]

Dark Telling: That is a beautiful sentiment. All we have to do is get women's rule. *giggles*

Minniver Endsleigh: [chuckles and whispers they already do]

Elaine Khandr: [hides a grin]

Dark Telling: [smothers her guffaws.]

Elaine Khandr: [puts on a more serious face]

Dark Telling: In finishing, this is your opportunity to send a message, give explanation, or outline an idea to all who read this article. What parting words of wisdom would you like to give?

Elaine Khandr: I would have to say to all villagers trust in what you know, don't be fooled by rumor and deception. Take some things at face value but always be willing to listen to both sides and you'll be wiser for it.

Dark Telling: Well said!

Dark Telling: [smiles at Minn.]

Minniver Endsleigh: [licks her lips and looks up thinking] All I can say is I hope all villagers remember no door were ever opened wi'a closed mind

Dark Telling: My, we are almost waxing poetic!

Elaine Khandr: [smiles]

Dark Telling: I wish to thank you for taking the time to share with me. It was truly wonderful and insightful.

Elaine Khandr: You're most welcome, thank you.

Dark Telling: I am sure with such thoughts and ideals, Artstonia will reap huge rewards! Thank you!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Great Guild of Magic - What's New...

So much can happen in less than a week; where to begin?

Well first with the easy stuff, seems Macro went on another rampage and was killed by the local populace. Though this is a regrettable incident, with our new rule on “ghost” status for 24 hours, everyone can ignore his ethereal form him as they see fit. We will of course have some mystic ceremonies tonight to cleanse his undead spirit, all are welcome to attend. Any donations to the “Save Macro’s Tormented Soul Fund” can be sent directly to myself. Our thoughts and wishes go out to those he left behind, again. There will be a Celtic wake at the pub sometime tonight.

On a separate note, we wish a fond farewell to Lily who has headed off to explore the realm outside of Artstonia. Though I have no idea what it means in fae terms to explore the world, we wish her the best. Though I have not heard from Lady Nicola directly on this departure, I imagine she will be in need of a personal scribe and masseuse for any who are interested. (Personally, I hope for the return of Lily, she kept Nicola in line.)

Now to the important news; our guild. I am pleased to announce that our great magical guild has updated our new student handbooks and training material. We pride ourselves on being the most organized, fun, and dangerous guild in Artstonia. As Macro reminded me the other night, we have more deaths associated with our guild, then all other guilds combined. I am not sure if this is a good metric to track our success, but it is an interesting one to drive our recruitment efforts and annoy the healers.

Well, this sums it up for this week’s magic guild update, keep those letters and suggestions coming!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Great Guild of Magic Excels

Our Great Guild of Magic in Artstonia continues to grow! Yesterday we brought in 4 new disciples and educated them on all that they needed to know! Well done to all you students who assisted, and who kept the new recruits from being killed in the process. I would also like to personally congratulate Rayne and Persephone for Journeyman advancement, well done to them both. I can say, both did very well in their testing, their answers revealed much on their true nature. On a separate topic, many of our students like Elaine, Minniver, Rayne, and others have been very helpful with creation of new learning materials. I promise to get through all of these quickly, and to ensure your hard work bears fruit.

Oh and least I forget, Darcy well done for your recent demonstrations on how to use fire in an outdoor setting and the proper way to dispose of flammable materials. You are learning fast and I know the town is benefiting from your education in the guild!

So to all in the growing guild, keep up the good work and always remember to cast in a safe direction. We have some recent complaints that spells were impacting druids and rogue fae and we must ensure safety in our training. I am sure all of these were accidents, that could have been avoided.

Magus, Artstonia Guild of Magic

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Official Apology from Markis to the town of Artstonia

I wish to apologize to the town of Artstonia for the recent attacks by my killer bees. Let me assure you, these bees were being trained solely for the purpose of self-defense and were in no way meant to be set loose upon the populace. The bees became agitated with some recent activity in the Elven Hall and I can only speculate that this drove them into their fit of rage. The bees have been dealt with and should no longer pose a health and safety risk to innocent bystanders.

On a separate note, we seem to have had a few training spiders escape from the magic arena. Last known sightings were jumping to the town below, we assume to escape our students. These spiders are large and presumed dangerous, if encountered please flee…

Thank You
